torsdag den 20. maj 2010

Borgerretsbevægelsen i USA

Hermed en kort oversigt over engelsksprogede sider på nettet, der er nyttige, når du skal skrive opgave om Borgerretsbevægelsen i USA. Klik her og du finder en tidslinie, der kronologisk lister begivenheder fra 1948 og frem.

Leder du efter kilder til de sortes historie, kan du finde nogle her. Der er blandt andet Virginias slavelove og taler af blandt andet Malcolm X, Booker T. Washington og Barack Obama. Mangler du emneord, biografier over kendte og mindre kendte personer fra Borgerretsbevægelsen, er der her du finder det. finder du en yderst fyldig biografisk artikel om Martin Luther King, der også indeholder henvisninger til andre relevante sider, fotogalleri og en samling af videostreams.

3 kommentarer:

  1. Søren Petersen28. maj 2010 kl. 02.40

    For interesserede kan nedenstående litteraturliste anvendes til opgaveskrivning om den amerikanske borgerretsbevægelse
    Søren Petersen

    Alexander, Jeffrey C.: “The Civil Sphere” 2006. Oxford Unnversity Press. USA.

    Andersen, Knud Erik & Bjerre, Lisbeth Vedskov: ”Martin Luther King” 1998. Forlaget Tommeliden.

    Badger Tony & Ward, Brian (red) : ”The Making of Martin Luther King and the Civil Rights Movement” 1996. Macmillan Press LTD. London

    Bush, Rod: ”We Are Not What We Seem” 1999. New York University Press. USA

    Carmichael, Stokely & Hamilton Charlie V. “Black Power” 1967. Raben & Sjögren. Ystad 1970.

    Carson, Clayborne: ”In Struggle- SNCC And The Black Awakening Of The 1960s ” 1981. Harvard University Press. USA

    Christensen John: “Ridderne af det flammende kors” 2002 Forlaget Emil. Danmark.

    Estes, Steve: ”I AM MAN !” 2005. The University of North Carolina Press. USA.

    Fairclough, Adam “To Redeem the Soul of America – The Southern Cristian Leadership Conference and Martin Luther King, Jr” 1987. The University of Georgia Press. Athens and London.

    Fairclough, Adam: “Better Day Coming” 2001. Penguin Books. USA

    Greenberg, Cheryl Lynn: “Troubling Waters” 2006. Princeton University Press. USA.

    Graham, Hugh Davis: “The Civil Rights Era- Origins and Development of National Policy 1960-1972” 1990. Oxford University Press. USA

    Grossman, Mark : “The ABC-CLIO Companion to The Civil Rights Movement” 1993. ABC-CLIO Inc. USA.

    Gundelach, Peter: “Sociale Bevægelser og Samfundsændringer” 1988. Forlaget Politica. Danmark

    Halberstam, David: “The Children” 1998. Random House Incorporated. New York. USA.
    Hasday, Judy L. : “The Civil Rights Act of 1964- An End To Racial Segregation” 2007. Chelsea House Publishers. USA.

    Haskins, Jim: “Power to the People” 1997. Simon & Schuster Books FOR Young Readers. USA

    Horn, Gerd Rainer; ”The Spirit of ´68”. 2007. Oxford University Press.

    Joseph, Peniel J(Red.): “The Black Power Movement- Rethinking the Civil Rights-Black Power era.” 2006. Routhledge. New York. USA.

    Kendall Diana; “Sociology in our Times” 1999. Wadsworth Publishing Company. USA

    Killian, Lewis M: “Black and White- Reflections of a White Southern Sociologist” 1994. General Hall, Inc. USA.

    Kumm Bjørn, red. “Black Power-Svart Makt- Den svarta nationalisme I USA” 1968. Alb. Bonniers Boktryckeri. Stockholm

    Kurlansky, Mark: “1968- Året der rystede verden” 2004. Borgen. Danmark

    Lazerow, Jama. Williams Yohuru.(Red). ”In Search of the Black Panther Party” 2006. Duke University Press. Durham and London.

    Levy Peter B: ”The Civil Rights Movement” 1998. Greenwood Press. USA.

    Levy Peter B. red.: “Documentary History Of The Modern Civil Rights Movement” 1992. Greenwood Press. USA

  2. Søren Petersen28. maj 2010 kl. 02.44

    Weber, Michael: “De Sorte Amerikaneres Borgerretsbevægelse” 1997 Evens Brothers limited. USA
    Whimster Sam og Lash Scott(red); ”Max Weber, Rationality and Modernity” 2006. Routledge. Great Britain.
    Winant Howard & Omi Michael: ”Racial Formation in the United States- From the 1960s to the 1980s” 1986. Routhledge and Kegan Paul. New York.
    Young, Richard P, (Red). ”Roots of rebellion : The evolution of black politics and protest since World War II” 1970. Harper and Row. New York.
    Zinn, Howard: “SNCC- The New Abolitionists” 1965. Beacon Press. Boston USA

    Tidsskrifter og dagblade:
    Aberbach, Joel D, & Walker Jack L: “The Meanings of Black Power: A Comparison of White and Black Interpretations of a Political Slogan” i The American Political Science Review, Vol. 64, No. 2, 1970.
    Feagin, Joe R: ” The Second Reconstruction: Black Political Strenght in the South” I Social Science Quarterly vol. 51:1 (1970:Juni). S 42-55.
    Foster. L.H; ” Race Relations in the South, 1960” (Spring, 1961). I “The Journal of Negro Education”, Vol. 30, No. 2, S. 138-149.
    Haines Herbert H; ” Black Radicalization and the Funding of Civil Rights: 1957-1970” 1984. I Social Problems, Vol. 32, No. 1, Thematic Issue on Minorities and Social Movements. S 31-43.
    Murphree, Vanessa D. ” The selling of civil rights: The communication section of the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee” I Journalism History; Spring 2003; 29, 1
    Nauntofte, Jens: “Den sorte prins i København” i “Information” 18/8-1997
    Nauntofte, Jens; ” Bruddet mellem The Black Panther Party og SNCC” i Politisk revy. - Årg. 6, nr. 107 (1968/69). - S. 18-19
    Smith, Robert C. “Black Power and the Transformation from Protest to Policies” i Political Science Quarterly, Vol. 96, No. 3, 1981, s. 431-443
    Umoja, Akinyele K: ” The Ballot and the Bullet: A Comparative Analysis of Armed Resistance in the Civil Rights Movement” I Journal of Black Studies, Vol. 29, No. 4, (Mar., 1999), s. 558-578

    Bond, Julian: “SNCC: What We Did - Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee” 2000. Monthly Review.
